PreussType : type design and font development since 1996

PreussType is an independent font foundry dedicated to create unique and contemporary typefaces. PreussType is Ingo Preuss (in German: with this wonderful character... Ingo Preuß).
I started my font career in 1989, first learning to carve and paint letters by hand up to now creating font software. Some biographical highlights...
- 1976-1980: Study of Art (Painting, Graphic) HBK Dresden
- 1984 -1989: Study of Graphic Design (diploma graphics designer) in Mannheim
- 1989: Launches [cubus :: graFik deSiGN]
- Since 1996: Freelance graphic-/type-/web-designer & illustrator
- 2003: Launches personaly type foundry PreussType to release his typefaces
- 2003: Specially for my international and american friends: Presence of my fonts at MyFonts; Steadily growing library
- 2003 - 2016: Foundation of GTF | German Type Foundry along with Andreas Seidel and Michael Bundscherer.
- since 2005: Intensive cooperation in various projects with Hubert Jocham, Hanno Bennert and other colleagues
- 2017: My fonts now also at FontSpring
- 2018: The first part of my fonts is available as Variable Font; You can download a demo of (almost) all my fonts. Just give it a try.
I offer you a full range of typographic services, from original typeface design to multi-platform font productions and testing. Extensive multilingual text fonts and historical typefaces with emphasis on those of the Baroque are two specialities in my portfolio. Not to forget some experiments and DisplayFonts.
I am sure you will enjoy them!
Here you can get a first overview (or for my fans: to collect ;-) Download PreussType library (PDF, approx. 2.4 MB)