Home > Serif Fonts > Athanasius Family > Athanasius Light It

Serif Font: Athanasius Light It [STD] [PRO]

Athanasius Light It 46

Typesetting for books, magazines or annual reports requires font families with special qualities: excellent readability, a generous range of weights with italics and small caps, multiple figure sets (lining, oldstyle, table) and ample language coverage.

Athanasius is such a font. The Baroque fonts are one of my passions. Whenever possible, I feel the old forms of glyphs and create a new, modern font with a touch of opulence of the Baroque.

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A book consists of five elements: text, font, printing ink, paper and cover. Our wish is to create a unit out of these elements that naturally convinces, that does not serve a fashion trend but strives for timeless value. Free from coincidence and mood, as far as human conditionality is able, these works know only the goal of fitting in worthily into the high heritage that is given to us in hand and responsibility.

[Giovanni (Hans) Mardersteig]
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z . a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z , 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 9 0
But I must explain to you how all this mis­taken idea of de­noun­cing plea­sure and prai­sing pain was born and I will give you a com­ple­te ac­count of the sys­tem, and ex­pound the ac­tu­al teach­ings of the great ex­plo­rer of the truth, the ma­ster buil­der of hu­man happ­iness. No one re­jects, dis­likes, or av­oids plea­sure it­self, be­cause it is plea­sure, but be­cause those who do not know how to pursue plea­sure ra­tio­nally en­coun­ter con­se­quen­ces that are ex­tre­me­ly pain­ful. Nor again is there any­one who lov­es or pur­sues or de­sires to ob­tain pain of it­self, be­cause it is pain, but be­cause occas­ional­ly ci­rcum­stan­ces occur in which toil and pain can pro­cure him some great plea­sure.
Cyrillic is unfortunately not available in this font.
Greek is unfortunately not available in this font.
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